Justin McGill
December 10, 2014 8 Comments AUTHOR: Justin McGill

I recently came across this post that shows how some other marketers have their desks and home offices setup.

I thought it might be cool to show you what I have setup.

In case you didn’t know, on Jan 1 of this year I officially went fully remote. I had everyone in my agency start working from home.

This allowed us to all work in the same environment as we use several outside contractors in different time zones as well. It also allowed me to be much more productive.

This is where I was going to be the majority of the day. So when it came time to picking my office setup within my home, I spared no expense.

Here’s the view as you walk in:

Home Office Setup

My desk is at the top right corner. My wife’s desk is the white one that faces mine with the iMac on it.

My son’s desk is the white one that faces the wall.

My wife decided to go with the black/white theme. It seems to fit us well as even her car is white, while I have an all black truck.

In the middle we have a futon that faces a monitor which is plugged into a laptop. I use this when I have people over and want to show them something.

Home Office Setup

This is the view looking back as you enter.

The living room is actually in the background. I purposely wanted the home office to be just off the main living area so that I could be working, yet still be available.

I may regret this here soon with a new baby on the way however.

The quotes serve as reminders.

Home Office Setup

I bought these off of Startup Vitamins to try and bring the startup world into my home office.

Home Office Setup

The whiteboard is my brainstorm area. I spend a lot of time there mapping out things like drip sequences, tools to implement, ideas, goals, etc.

Once the whiteboard fills up, I’ll usually capture a picture for safekeeping and then erase it and start over.

Home Office Setup

This is actually my spare desk and computer setup.

I have this for whenever someone on my team wants to come and work. I also use it for any Photoshop work I need to do from time to time as that machine has Photoshop on it.

My surround sound speaker stands for my main desk sit next to this desk.

Home Office Setup

Under the window and between my spare desk and my main desk is this side desk.

I have my MacBook pro here while it charges as well as a portable monitor that I can plug into it for an extended display.

My MacBook pro is where I write my book and most of my blog posts. I also do some limited coding on here.

Underneath this little side desk, there is a shelf along the bottom where I have my business checks, envelopes, etc.

I also like to put my feet on it if I am typing on my MacBook Pro while there at my desk.

Home Office Setup

Last, but not least, is the desk and machine that run it all.

I have three ASUS 24″ monitors with a stand that holds all of them. I had three 27″ monitors, but those were too big for the stand so I had to downsize if I wanted the stand.

The stand helps things from an ergonomic standpoint as the monitors remain eye level.

Underneath the stand is a 42″ sound bar that combines with the back two speaks to provide surround sound.

I prefer to work in silence (and in the dark for that matter), but from time to time I like to turn up the music and get into a zone.

I have an ergonomic keyboard and mouse as well. I never thought I would get an ergonomic keyboard, as the layout just seemed so foreign to me, but I love it!

This is a standing desk that I can adjust to different height levels. I usually spend half the time standing and half the time sitting.

The wife bought me some wireless headphones last year for christmas which are sitting on their stand. I only use those two height settings, but there’s room for three more.

I also purchased a quality microphone since I do quite a few Skype calls.

The machine is from Cybertron and is a 32GB, Eight-Core Processor (4.00GHZ), with a 64-bit operating system that runs Windows 8.1.

For those keeping score, yes that is a Windows machine with a MacBook Pro laptop. I’m in the minority, but I actually really like both systems.

I always keep a couple notepads near by as well for quick note taking, sketches, etc.


What are some cool office setups that you have seen?

Is there something you think I should consider purchasing to further deck things out?

Have any questions about what you see? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Joseph Ho 10 years ago says:

    I had similar setup as you. Let me do a post like this too!
    Joseph Ho recently posted…Case Study – Penguin Penalized Site Ranking ImprovedMy Profile

    • Justin McGill 10 years ago says:

      Cool – I’d love to check it out!

  2. mike 9 years ago says:

    great setup Justin.
    Curious what brand is that standing desk?

  3. Britanny 8 years ago says:

    I had comparable setup as you. Give me a chance to do a post like this as well!

  4. NU Adportal 8 years ago says:

    Wow nice ideas. Thanks for providing information on this

  5. Kaitlyn 8 years ago says:

    What a great set up! I like how your office is just off the living room.


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"Justin is the proto-type of a 21st century business leader. Unmatched skills with evolving technology, combined with the social and emotional intelligence required to handle an increasingly advanced consumer." ~ Michael Lambourne of Blend.